Sunday, November 28, 2010

Buttery eggs over cheddar smothered mashed fingerling potatoes with sausage

Fingerling mashed potatoes smothered in cheese, topped with black pepper and garlic + buttery over-easy eggs and sausage

During the week we usually have fruit smoothies and apples for breakfast. On the weekend, we have the time to put into making delicious lazy breakfasts.

We try to go for high protein, with some more complex carbs.
Normally the staple is runny over easy eggs on white cheddar, black pepper and garlic, on pan toasted wheat bread, with a side of veggie sausage.

To try and limit the refined carbs, we tried switching in potatoes for the bread. We first attempted this using hash browns, which tasted very good, but required more work, and more oil than was ideal, although the potatoes were very tasty.

The new version of this recipe uses pressure cooker cooked mash potatoes, fried slightly in the left-over butter from the eggs.


2 eggs per person
2-3 small potatoes per person (a bit smaller than a handful)
2 sausages per person (veggie, turkey, whatever tickles your fancy)
3 Tbs butter (or your preference -just make sure the pan has at least thin amount of butter during cooking)
1 tsp / Dash black pepper (just sprinkle to your preference)
1 tsp / Dash garlic powder (just sprinkle to your preference)

Tools used:

-Non-stick pan
-Pressure Cooker OR an alternative way to cook the potatoes


1. Start potatoes cooking. I used the electric pressure cooker -7 minutes and 1/2 cup water. When finished, Mash on a plate to whatever texture you prefer(I like it mostly mashed, with small chunks)

2. Melt butter in saucepan on medium-low heat. Once butter is melted, add an egg, and let the white become mostly opaque (white). If the white spreads out far from the egg, once slightly cooked, fold the edges towards the middle (this will make the size of the egg smaller and easier to flip).

3. Once the white  of the egg is mostly opaque, get the spatula under the egg, and flip the egg upside down softly (easiest if the yolk is closest to the side that will be flipped- so the bulk of the weight will be at the end of the spatula).

4. After flipping, wait about 30 seconds before using the spatula and putting the egg on a plate. Wait more of less time depending on how runny you like your eggs. Repeat this for all your eggs.

Note: You can do more than one egg at a time, I usually do two, but wait for the first egg to become mostly opaque, and move it to the other side of the pan

5. Once all eggs are done, add the sausage and brown in the left-over butter. Turn or flip to brown all sides, and remove from pan when finished.

6. Add the mashed potatoes to the pan to begin a light frying in the small amount of left over butter, and top with shredded cheese, and sprinkle lightly with pepper and garlic powder. Cover and wait for cheese to be nicely melted on the top!

Split up the potatoes onto each plate, and either top them with the eggs, so that when cut with a fork, the yolk will run over the cheese and potatoes, or put off to the side and run the potatoes through the egg yolks later!

Electric Pressure cooker to cook things fast! (Costco!)

Pressure cooked fingerling potatoes- keeps their color beautifully!

Mashed fingerling potatoes - using the pressure cooker saves time, and preserves the beautiful purple.

Egg Frying in a small amount of butter - corner flipped up to make it easier to flip(it's easier to flip to the right, because of the yolk being more on that side).

Sausages frying up after eggs

Cheese placed on mashed fingerling potatoes

The cheese melted on the potatoes, with garlic powder and pepper added.

I use so many spices, I just get them from Costco. Additionally, they are less expensive than smaller ones from other stores!

Finished meals - waiting to be eaten. Pair with a good cup of coffee to keep the pallet fresh, delicious!

A+ Weekly Staple

Recipe Pros:
  • Fast
  • Simple
  • Vegetarian (if using vegetarian sausage)
  • Filling (holds you over for many hours)

Recipe Cons:
  • Potatoes could slow down recipe if boiling/baking fresh
  • Not low Calorie
  • Vegetarian sausage isn't natural, but turkey sausage is not vegetarian. Any suggestions?

  • Use bread instead of potatoes (takes much less time, but adds processed food to meal)
  • Use aged white cheddar, or your favorite cheese(even dry cheeses like Parmesan work!)

Additional Notes:

  • All the ingredients were found at Costco, so not only is it tasty and gourmet, it's also inexpensive!
  • I only buy the "cage free / free roaming / organic" eggs . They look better, taste a little better, and for a little more money, you will support better lives for the chickens that create these incredible edibles :D
  • You don't need to use a pressure cooker - you can use left over mashed potatoes, boil, bake, steam, or even use re-hydrated potatoes. But from what I've seen so far, pressure cooking them makes them healthier, look better, and cook in a lot less time.
  • To add more flavor, at the cost of calories - add more butter to the potatoes to your preference!
Happy Eating!

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